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In memory of James F. Adams

In memory of

James F. Adams

February 29, 2024

ICA Past President 1996 – 1997, Jim Adams, passed away on February 20, 2024.  Jim retired September 4, 2011 from UNUM after 42 years in the industry.  Of those 42 years, Jim spent the first 28 with State Mutual Life Insurance Company and the latter 14 with UNUM.  Jim was active in ICA for over 38 years having attended his first Annual Conference in 1974 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Toronto, ON.  Jim attended a total of 29 conferences and served on over 10 different ICA Committees from 1982 – 2007.

Jim had the following message for any new ICA members or conference delegates upon his retirement:

“Get involved. I attended a few Annual Meetings just as a delegate.  The meetings were good and I learned a lot, but it wasn’t until I joined committees (Education, Disability, and Executive to name a few) that the true value of the ICA to both my company and myself, became evident.  Volunteer and get involved!”

In his retirement Jim spent more time with his wife Joan and kids and grandkids.  Most likely much of that time was spent at Disney World!

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